My 2013 Resolutions

posted on: 1.03.2013

2013 already? This year is a big one for me. I graduate high school in June, start college in June and move out on my own. That is quite a bit to accomplish in a year but I am definitely ready for it. I have a few resolutions I came up with to make my life a bit more fun and organized over the next year. I am very excited for what is approaching and I can't wait to start this journey.

Blog Posts :: I would like to post at least 4 times a week. My blog is literally my favorite website on the interwebs. It is a place for me to share what I love with the world and get a response. Whether these posts be about scrapbooking, recipes, photography, DIY or fashion; I definitely want to create more content for you guys!
Videos :: A few videos each week would please me. I would love to fill some of the requests for videos I have received + create many more "from start to finish" videos.
My Social Network :: As many of you know from my post yesterday. I re-opened my ning site. This site will allow all us crafters to get together and share projects, videos, join swaps and so much more. My main goal is to get this site very organized and a fun place to be with quite a bit of interaction.
Keep organized :: My phone just doesn't work for me anymore. I need to get a 2013 planner and literally jot down every idea, blog post, appointment etc. to keep myself organized. I am not a very organized person until 2013. I'm devoted to this.
Emails :: I am normally quite a bit behind on answering emails due to the volume. I will now attempt to answers emails every day. Shoot me an email here if you have a question.
Shop :: Lastly, build my shops into an empire. I know this probably wont happen but lets just pretend, shall we! I own two shops, here and here. I want to keep these shops organized, stocked and clean. A place where people want to shop.

I challenge you to come up with 5 new years resolutions to live by this year (share them below if you would like). It's going to be a good one!
xoxo drew


  1. I've always made resolutions and posted them on my wall but somehow never manage to fulfill my self-made promises. So this year I am doing and not talking. In honor of my Mother who passed away in November, I am living the life she wanted me to live. I am going back to school this month, releasing my album after 4 years of being in hiatus and most importantly getting healthy. Each time I look at a cookie or something tempting, I will think if my Mom and let her joyous spirit guide me. My whole life is changing this month. New apartment, new college town, reconnecting with old friends, getting lasik, dental work, and of course scrapping my beautiful Momma's life.

    Drew, you are an inspiration, buddy! You had no idea you were lighting a fire under This dudes scrap life but you have!

  2. Awsome resolutions you've made! I guess mine would be: To scrapbook more often, Use my smash book and acessories that I just got yesterday, get healthy, quit smoking, and be stylish/more put togethether in my own appearance. (hard for me to do being a larger size) lol

    Happy new year Drew! And good luck in everything you do!
