xoxo Drew
Very Important Update!
posted on: 4.14.2013
Hope you had a lovely weekend! I just wanted to inform all of you that the Google Reader Program is actually being cancelled on July 1st. That means that everyone who is subscribed to my blog via RSS or through google reader will need to head over to my Bloglovin or Feedburner and subscribe. I totally don't want any of you to miss out on my posts. If you are unsure of what service you are subscribed through just make sure to subscribe to my Feedburner (Click the "Get ScrappyHappiness // Blog delivered by email" Button). This will ensure that you get every post to your email. If you would also like to follow my Bloglovin I would highly suggest that as well. It is just another form to ensure you get my posts. Sorry to be a bug but I wanted to inform you of this before it was to late. Please inform all your friends about this change as well!
Thanks for letting us know